Video Sustainable Switzerland Forum 2024

Sustainable Switzerland Forum

Together, we can achieve the transformation to a sustainable economy: our contribution for tomorrow.

September 2, 2025, BERNEXPO

The Forum is a powerful exchange and experience conference for business, science, politics and the general public.

What is included in the conference ticket?

Working together for sustainability

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About the forum

As part of our platform, the aim of the Forum is to inspire our participants to think and act together through experiences, insights and encounters. In this way, we want to make a contribution to the transformation towards a sustainable economy.

More about Sustainable Switzerland

  • 40


    From business, science and politics

  • 3

    Focus Topics

    Simultaneously on 3 stages for in-depth exploration of various topics

  • 750


    Decision makers in the field of sustainability

8:15 a.m. Opening of doors 9:00 a.m. Start of Forum with topic streams 5:00 p.m. End of Forum followed by networking aperitif

Ticket categories

All ticket prices include VAT and the following services: – Exclusive panel discussions & keynote speakers – Catering – Live Q&A – Participation in topic streams according to interest – Chat function in the app – Network aperitif – Climate protection contribution

Regular ticket

CHF 890.–

NGOs and Start-Ups

CHF 250.–

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Sustainable Switzerland


LonkedIn post

Die Energieversorgung der Schweiz ist dank den Stauseen in den Alpen erstaunlich gut gegen externe Schocks gewappnet. Hier geht es zum Artikel 👉 more

Sustainable Switzerland


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Heizkosten senken, CO₂-Emissionen reduzieren und das Raumklima verbessern – all das ermöglicht Viboo. Das Schweizer Unternehmen kombiniert smarte Thermostate mit künstlicher Intelligenz, um Gebäude effizienter zu machen. Hier geht es zum Artikel 👉 more

Sustainable Switzerland


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Beim Thema Nachhaltigkeit besteht oft eine Lücke zwischen guten Absichten und konsequentem Handeln. Verhaltensforscher Torben Emmerling zeigt auf, wie sich diese Lücke schliessen lässt und weshalb für eine klimafreundliche Zukunft die richtigen Rahmenbedingungen entscheidend sind. Hier lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel 👉 more

How to find us

How to find us

How to get to the forum.

BERNEXPO AG, Messezentrum

Mingerstrasse 6, 3014 Bern

View large map

Looking back on the Forum 2024

Sustainable Switzerland Forum 2024: impulse for a sustainable Switzerland

Christine Antlanger-Winter, Country Director of Google Switzerland, speaks on a stage next to a moderator.

The forum, organized by Sustainable Switzerland NZZ, offered a wide range of presentations, discussions and practical insights. The highlight-video and summary.

To the article
Carmen Metzger

Do you have questions?

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Entrepreneurs Club – Exclusively for members

As a member, you will automatically receive your ticket to the forum.