An inspiring programme awaits you, which will provide food for thought and trigger impulses for action. In the morning, there are three thematic streams that allow you to delve deeper into one of the three focus topics: Mobility & Energy, Alpine Environment and Biodiversity, Sustainable Corporate Management. The programme will take place in parallel. In the afternoon, you can look forward to a concentrated load of insights, findings and best practice on the main stage of the Kursaal.
08.15 am
Guest Arrival & Networking Coffee
09.00 am
Welcome & opening – Three focus topics in parallel
Block 1
10.15 am
Break 45'
11.00 am
Three focus topics in parallel - continued
Block 2
12.00 pm
Lunch 90’
01.30 pm
Welcome & Opening
Carolin Roth
Main Stage Plenary
How can we do justice to the interests of future generations?
Werner Sobek (Werner Sobek AG)
How to decouple sales from emissions (as a manufacturing company)?
Antje von Dewitz (VAUDE)
Carbon neutrality through financing climate project - indulgence or part of the solution?
Antoinette Hunziker-Ebneter (Forma Futura), Bastien Girod (Deloitte & Member of the National Council), Simon Michel (Ypsomed & Member of the National Council))
03.00 pm
Pause 30’
Hauptbühne Plenum
The crisis of the liberal project - or: what good is sustainability without democracy?
Philipp Blom (Historian & author)
Entrepreneurial Discussion – Various Approaches to Sustainability
Sarah Model (Model AG), Andreas Christen (Lantal Textiles AG), Urs Wullschleger (Wilhelm Schmidlin AG)
Creating wealth worth having (EN)
James Cameron (Trusted Advisor & Social Entrepreneur)
05.00 pm
Networking Apero